Savory Art
Culinary & Consultation Service

For Members Only
Three of Ron's perceived strengths are: explicitly voicing his thoughts when applicable, scrutinizing details to achieve near perfection and archiving/storing information. Hence, he introduces a blog and members forum in which food enthusiasts as well as professional chefs can use to their liking. The blog is an avenue to express insights and let you absorb or get a feel of his thought process. It may range from a rant about food culture, a mediocre or tough day at work or showing gratitude and appreciation for something accomplished or unexpected. Predominantly, it will be food related.
The other, is a forum in which serves as a platform to share ebooks, recipes and other notes of interest, he has acquired throughout the years, beginning with an apprenticeship, in which he used to carry floppy disks around, getting reverred recipes from chefs training under, with or admired from afar which he may have studied to a degree . He even has a vast culinary database which won't be specified to the public except for members, as time progresses. Please note, you will be required to sign up to access the forum. There is a pertinent phrase which says 'No man is an Island'. With that in mind, as he won't be able to cook every single thing or delve into all intricacies in his collection, why not share with someone that may be able to do so or be inspired?
Please note that first and foremost, the forum is a free online culinary community and it will always be so. It is a medium for chefs and those with an affinity towards the culinary arts to engage, retrieve and dialogue within their comfort as they please.
There is so much to learn and absorb in the culinary profession. Whatever path one may walk, guidance, assistance and direction is necessary in the trod, which is beneficial to one's growth. Each one reach and teach one. Enjoy.